Parking on spaces designated for people with disabilities
Parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities (ŤZP), marked with vertical traffic signs, remain free of charge and unchanged even after the introduction of the PAAS system. All persons with a valid ŤZP card can continue to park in these spaces as before, provided the card is displayed in a visible place inside the vehicle.

Management of parking spaces reserved for a specific license plate (reserved parking – in slovak “vyhradené parkovanie”) at the district level remains within the competence of local authorities and their rules.

Discounted ŤZP parking card
In addition to the reserved parking spaces, we have prepared further improvements for people with ŤZP. In PAAS zones, they are entitled to a 90% discount on parking, even outside reserved spaces. A citizen of the Slovak Republic can apply for a discounted ŤZP parking card if they meet the following conditions:
· They are a holder of the blue parking card for physical persons according to the EU model,
· They have a verifiable relationship to the vehicle:
-Vehicle owner,
-Spouse of the vehicle owner,
-Uses the vehicle for business (self-employment),
-Uses the employer’s vehicle for private purposes,
-A member of a legal entity’s board using the vehicle for private purposes,
-Has a rental contract with a legal entity.
Issuance of the discount card is free of charge and is tied to a specific motor vehicle. The applicant must attach the EU model parking card to the application. The discount is automatically applied when purchasing a parking ticket through a parking meter, app, parking assistant, or partner outlets. Every person with ŤZP can apply for one discounted parking card through, using the “Get Card” function, or at customer service points. The discounted ŤZP parking card is not tied to any other parking card, meaning it can be issued independently.
Visitor parking card – ŤZP
We recognize that people with ŤZP often require assistance or caregiving. A holder of a visitor parking card can provide their visitors with 750 hours per year for parking in the zone of their permanent residence. This card is free, and anyone who meets the following conditions is entitled to it:
-Has permanent residence in an apartment or house in the zone for which the card is issued
-Relies on personal assistance or caregiving
-Receives home nursing or specialized medical care
Conditions for card issuance
To verify eligibility for a visitor card, the following must be submitted:
-A final decision on the granting of a financial contribution for personal assistance and a ŤZP card with a companion
-A final decision on the granting of a financial contribution for caregiving and a ŤZP card with a companion
-A contract or agreement for the provision of home nursing or palliative care, or a confirmation from a treating doctor on the need for such care
Only one visitor parking card can be issued per apartment. The visitor will report the parking section code, license plate number, and end time of parking to the cardholder, who will enter these details into the mobile app. The parking ticket will be issued for free. The time credit from the visitor parking card is deducted by the minute. In parking apps, the card needs to be added to the user account, where they can then manage it.
More information can be found at
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