I am not a zone resident
As a visitor, you pay for parking in Bratislava according to the hourly tariffs and controlled hours in individual zones.

You can also park in the growing number of park-and-ride facilities and make use of the constantly improving public transport system or suburban rail services. The exception is subscribers, i.e., persons who do business or own property in a regulated zone.

How will you know where to park?

A green PAAS sign indicates non-resident parking. A numerical code marks the given zone and is used for zone identification when paying. By scanning the QR code, you will be able to use a mobile application to pay for parking according to the hourly rate.

A green PAAS sign indicates non-resident parking. A numerical code marks the given zone and is used for zone identification when paying. By scanning the QR code, you will be able to use a mobile application to pay for parking according to the hourly rate.
Overview of prices of parking zones
Tarrif zone
Tariff zone A
Tariff zone B
Tariff zone C
Tariff zone D
2,00 EUR/ h
1,50 EUR/ h
1,00 EUR/ h
0,50 EUR/ h
Overview of prices of parking zones
Tariff zone A – 2,00 EUR/ h
Tariff zone B – 1,50 EUR/ h
Tariff zone C – 1,00 EUR/ h
Tariff zone D – 0,50 EUR/ h
*You will find the tariff zone and tariff assigned to a specific zone on the map
Are you a resident of Bratislava who parks in a different zone?
As a resident of Bratislava, you can buy a bonus card that allows you to park in a different zone for 2 hours each day. After the bonus 2 hours are used up, you will pay for parking according to the hourly rate valid in the given zone. The exception is the band A tariff, for which the bonus card is not valid.
2h 10 € /year

As a resident of Bratislava, you can buy a bonus card that allows you to park in a different zone for 2 hours each day. After the bonus 2 hours are used up, you will pay for parking according to the hourly rate valid in the given zone. The exception is the band A tariff, for which the bonus card is not valid.

2h 10 € /year
Parking discounts

Electric vehicle
50% discount on hourly parking within regulated zones

Holders of the disability card
Holders of the national disability card are entitled to free parking in the parking spaces designated for the disabled in accordance with a decree. In addition, disabled persons registered in the system are entitled to a 90% discount on the hourly rate.
Electric vehicle
50% discount on hourly parking within regulated zones
Holders of the disability card
Holders of the national disability card are entitled to free parking in the parking spaces designated for the disabled in accordance with a decree. In addition, disabled persons registered in the system are entitled to a 90% discount on the hourly rate.
Subscriber parking card

1. Business owners
A subscription parking card is available to persons who operate a business on the basis of a trade license or other license pursuant to special regulations, whose place of business, registered office or establishment is located in the zone for which the parking card is issued and who has a relationship to the motor vehicle to which the parking card has been assigned, i.e.:
1. they are the holder of the motor vehicle, or
2. they have concluded a lease agreement or a similar agreement with a legal entity or a sole trader authorised to operate a motor vehicle rental business.
2. Real estate owners
A subscription parking card is available to persons who own property located in the zone (registered residential address in the zone is not required) for which the parking card is issued and have a relationship to the motor vehicle to which the parking card has been assigned, i.e.:
1. they are the holder of the motor vehicle,
2. the motor vehicle is registered to their business,
3. they use their employer’s motor vehicle for private purposes,
4. they are a member of a corporate body (e.g., a member of an executive board or supervisory board, a company member, etc.) and use the motor vehicle of this legal entity for private purposes, or
5. they have concluded a lease agreement or a similar agreement with a legal entity or a sole trader authorised to operate a motor vehicle rental business.
Only one subscriber parking card for one zone can be issued to one applicant.

Overview of subscriber card prices
Tariff zone
Subscriber 1
Subscriber 2
Subscriber 3
Subscriber 4
1 600,00 €
1 200,00 €
800,00 €
500,00 €
160,00 €
120,00 €
80,00 €
50,00 €
40,00 €
30,00 €
20,00 €
12,50 €
Tariff zone
Subscriber 1
Yearly – 2000,00 €
Monthly – 200,00 €
Weekly – 50,00 €
Tariff zone
Subscriber 2
Yearly – 1500,00 €
Monthly – 150,00 €
Weekly – 37,50 €
Tariff zone
Subscriber 3
Yearly – 1000,00 €
Monthly – 100,00 €
Weekly – 25,00 €
Tariff zone
Subscriber 4
Yearly – 500,00 €
Monthly – 50,00 €
Weekly – 12,50 €
Map of paid parking
P+R facilities
The objective of building park-and-ride facilities is primarily to reduce the volume of individual vehicle traffic headed for the city centre and residential zones and to enable visitors to park their cars outside of Bratislava directly adjacent to train stations in the towns and municipalities of the Bratislava Self-Governing Region, the Trnava Self-Government Region, or on the outskirts of the city, and then transfer to the city’s public transport system.
There are already several park-and-ride facilities in the Bratislava Self-Governing Region (e.g., at the train station in Malacky, Pezinok, Senec, Svätý Jur, etc.). In Bratislava, there is a facility adjacent to the Vrakuňa Cemetery and we opened new additional facilities in Rača and Petržalka.